EMS Safety

Incident Management Tips For Major Traffic Accidents

Motor vehicle accidents happen every day. In order to protect first responders like firefighters, police, and EMS teams, it's important to manage car accident scenes carefully. We've put together five incident management tips to help you increase both driver and EMS safety. Increase Visibility By Roping Off The Area Communicate Clear Roles To All Responders Implement Incident Command Boards & Systems Control Traffic Flow To Prevent Secondary Accidents Wear Brightly Colored Clothing 1. Safely Mark Off The Accident Scene When emergency...
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4 Tools For EMS & Paramedic Scene Safety

EMS and paramedics are often the first lines of help on an emergency scene. From fires to protests to car accidents in bad weather, these first responders save lives in some of the most dangerous and chaotic situations. Unfortunately, the risk for accidents is high, and an injured paramedic can’t help anyone. Scene Management Tools Help Keep Your Teams Safe We want to help you take care of your emergency response teams with these four EMS and paramedic scene safety tools. ...
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Infectious Disease Outbreak Safety Tips For First Responders

American Trade Mark is committed to helping keep our first responders nationwide safe and secure during these difficult and troubling times. One of the most critical elements of safety during a worldwide pandemic is universal management systems that allow each department to work together while simultaneously keeping one another safe. In order to slow the spread of a viral outbreak, clear fireground communications and incident command responsibilities have become more imperative than ever before. Fighting Infectious Disease Keeping our first responders and healthcare...
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Tools For Coordinating Emergency Response

Track departments and communicate more efficiently with tools for coordinating emergency response from American Trade Mark. When multiple departments get involved on high-stress scenes, you want to be as prepared as possible. Preplanning and the proper gear may give you the edge you're looking for. Clear Communication Is Essential For maximum safety and swift action, you need to know who is where, what your resources are, and to be able to quickly communicate changes as your scene evolves. The same concept...
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5 Strategies For EMS Safety

American Trade Mark knows what it means to develop strategies for EMS safety. Our years of experience working as first responders - and with them - has taught us many things to add to our knowledge box when it comes to emergency management and safety strategies. Embrace Progress Over Perfection It would be impossible to prevent all the issues that may compromise the safety of your team. A better strategy may be to work towards reducing the number of incidents overall....
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Incident Action Plans For Fire Scenes & Emergency Response

Don’t get caught off guard on your next emergency response call. At American Trade Mark, we’ve put together tips to help you create a strong incident action plan. We want to be prepared for every fire scene, natural disaster, or other call for help. Find out how planning ahead and making use of the best tools in the business can keep your crew safe. What Is An Incident Action Plan? An incident action plan (IAP) weighs the risk and benefits of...
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Emergency Management – How Command Boards Save Lives

At American Trademark, we understand that to run an effective emergency response team it takes tremendous dedication, perseverance, and organization. So, we provide command boards and accountability tools to help EMS incident commanders organize and coordinate. When any type of first responder group uses a personnel accountability board effectively, that organization can potentially improve response times, outcomes, prevent confusion, and even save lives. Using Command Boards For Many Types Of Emergencies Our command boards have been used effectively by fire departments for...
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Fire & EMS Incident Command Tips For Active Shooter Scenes

During a time when first responders are being asked to be prepared for more than the volleys of nature and accidents, we at American Trademark have put together some useful fire and EMS incident command tips for active shooter scenes. Mass casualty incidents on the news have evolved until we are plagued multiple times a year with reports of these mass shootings. Though unpredictable in nature, we hope lessons learned from past encounters will help us all prepare, act,...
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EMS Command Boards – Accountability & Safety Initiatives

Count on EMS command boards from American Trade Mark to promote safety and accountability for first responders, emergency response teams, and paramedics. Our emergency management systems help your incident command officers keep chaos at bay and focus life-saving efforts where they are needed the most. Best of all, these tools can be customized to meet the unique needs of your agency or department. START Triage Command Boards Our Flex Commander incident command board with EMS option is specifically designed for EMS...
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Keeping Track Of Your Gear

Equipment accountability is important for first responders which is why American Trade Mark offers accountability tags and other decals to help keep track of gear and people. Firefighters and first responders use a variety of firefighter equipment and first responder equipment to handle emergency situations. If these items aren’t marked with identifying information, they may be accidentally picked up by someone else or not get put back on the proper vehicle when the emergency is over. Our decals, tags, and...
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