Law Enforcement Safety

4 PPE Tips For Police & Law Enforcement During A Pandemic

Our police officers and other law enforcement personnel often don’t have the luxury of a protective six feet of space from potential corona virus carriers. Emergency calls put these brave men and women in close contact with people, day in and day out. With so much conflicting information out there and a market flooded with “protective” equipment, how can you be sure your first responders safe? Know what is considered PPE in regard to the current pandemic. Optimize your...
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Tools For Coordinating Emergency Response

Track departments and communicate more efficiently with tools for coordinating emergency response from American Trade Mark. When multiple departments get involved on high-stress scenes, you want to be as prepared as possible. Preplanning and the proper gear may give you the edge you're looking for. Clear Communication Is Essential For maximum safety and swift action, you need to know who is where, what your resources are, and to be able to quickly communicate changes as your scene evolves. The same concept...
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Emergency Management – How Command Boards Save Lives

At American Trademark, we understand that to run an effective emergency response team it takes tremendous dedication, perseverance, and organization. So, we provide command boards and accountability tools to help EMS incident commanders organize and coordinate. When any type of first responder group uses a personnel accountability board effectively, that organization can potentially improve response times, outcomes, prevent confusion, and even save lives. Using Command Boards For Many Types Of Emergencies Our command boards have been used effectively by fire departments for...
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Keeping Track Of Your Gear

Equipment accountability is important for first responders which is why American Trade Mark offers accountability tags and other decals to help keep track of gear and people. Firefighters and first responders use a variety of firefighter equipment and first responder equipment to handle emergency situations. If these items aren’t marked with identifying information, they may be accidentally picked up by someone else or not get put back on the proper vehicle when the emergency is over. Our decals, tags, and...
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Law Enforcement Incident Command Boards

At American Trade Mark, we offer law enforcement incident command boards for police and other agencies to help control the chaos of each and every command post. The Incident Commander can regain clarity of the situation by creating an organized team using our inventory of incident command boards designed for emergencies ranging from hostage situations to active shootings and even HazMat scenes. We offer a wide range of incident management products, all of which can be customized to fit...
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First Responder Scene Safety Products

American Trade Mark specializes in the manufacturing of first responder scene safety products and personnel accountability systems. First responders have the most important and dangerous job of accurately assessing the accident and possible dangers of approaching the scene. Without the proper gear, some situations may almost be impossible and even deadly.  American Trade Mark has been in the business of saving daily heroes in the line of duty in America and all across the world. First Responder Scene Safety Is...
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Choosing A Command Board

Here at American Trade Mark, we understand that choosing the right command board for your firefighter and EMS department is a crucial component to keeping your team organized and safe. Choosing the right command board can be a difficult task, but we are here to help you make an educated decision that's best for your needs. Incident response teams use command boards in various scenarios to keep emergency responders safe and accounted for. Take a look at all of...
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