Dashboard Commander™ Incident Command System
  • Dashboard™ Commander Incident Command System
  • Dashboard™ Commander Incident Command System
  • Dashboard 2018

Dashboard Commander™ Incident Command System


Category: SKU: db1218
  • Description
  • Additional information


Dashboard Commander™ Command Board Incident Command is a complicated business. As Incident Commander you are trying to coordinate many activities in rapid succession. Many of the leading Chiefs in the Country are not in favor of using the back of the Chief’s car as the Command Center because you are surrounded by the noise and confusion of the scene and because of the distractions of weather.

The Dashboard Commander™ was designed with this in mind. Many Chiefs prefer to run an incident from the front of the Chief’s car where they have all of their mobile radios available and where they can provide themselves with a secure quiet environment.

Most command boards cannot be used in the front of the car, but the Dashboard Commander™ was designed specifically for this purpose. The dry erase surface has space for size-up notes, strategic & tactical planning, assignments, PAR, hazards and a sketch of the scene. A stopwatch clock tracks time. Included are 38 custom engraved magnetic pieces representing your apparatus and officers. The Incident Commander places these magnets on the board to track the assignments of the fireground teams. This tactical command board mounts on the steering wheel with a heavy duty padded bail after the vehicle is placed in park. There is an area to sketch the layout of the incident and make notes regarding tactical considerations etc.. Then the I.C. places the magnetic tags representing apparatus, Officers & Crews onto the board in the positions of their assignments. There is also space for logging staff positions, crew size, PAR, search results, special hazards, utilities, tasks and more!


  • Fully N.I.M.S. Compliant
  • Stopwatch Clock with timer
  • Dry Erase surface printed with Incident Command worksheet
  • Dry erase markers and eraser included
  • 38 Custom Engraved Magnetic Tags
    • Represent your Apparatus and Officers
    • Blanks available
    • Additional tags available
  • Heavy duty Cordura Storage Bag
  • Custom Layouts Available!

If less than 38 tags are needed, dry erasable white blanks will be supplied to bring the total up to 38.

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Additional information

Weight 12 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 18 × 2.5 in

Additional Tags

The Dashboard Commander comes with 38 engraved magnetic tags – additional tags are available.

Order Form Upload

To assist with the customization of your Dashboard™ Commander, please upload your completed order form below. The product order form can be downloaded using the “Download Order Form” button above.

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